Saturday, November 14, 2009

g's special mission walkthrough

talk to G and tell him that the word is MOGUL. pick up the sled. go to ski hill and put the sled on the 'test run' course. (it would be so awesome if you could buy one of those on that stickynote and ride it on test run...) you are going to crash as there is no end to test run but its fun to try. pick up the survival guide (we're not using it for what you think) and, to the left, the rope. take the left path and collect 3 o berries. to the right there will be a tree with a pan in it. (how does a pan get stuck in the MIDDLE OF THE WOODS, anyway!?) shake the tree and the pan will fall so pick it up. take the path with a stump and click on any puffle. feed it an o berry. find a place with an undamaged ski pole. find the place with a river and combine the ski pole, rope, and o berry and click on the river. pick up the resulting fish. click on the water with the pan. look towards the right and pick up the log. go to the cave and go inside. click on any pebble. put the log in the fireplace. now put the survival guide in there too. feed a o berry to the puffle. put the pan in the fire. drink it. put the fish in the fire. eat it. now talk your way into getting your medal.

case of the missing puffles walkthrough

talk to aunt arctic. when shes done talking, go to the ice rink and pick up the pictures all the way at the right. give them to arctic. go to the pet shop and youll see a note on a brown pufflehouse. it says 'G has 48 pairs of socks' and is singed with a letter that, if you look at the pattern of the code, should come right after Z; which is weird. go to the sports shop and say 48 to G's question. take the stuff in the cabinet. go to the iceburg and rescue the penguins using the life preserver launcher thingy. dont forget to account for the wind! then go to ski hill and fix the telescope with the wrench in your phone. look in the telescope, and youll see the puffles. go to the tallest mountain (which is really a volcano)and use your grappeling hook to get to the top. go back to aunt arctic and claim your reward.

Friday, November 13, 2009

too many catalogs

i'll do igloo catalogs when the new ones come out or if i get bored.
no cheats in the sports catalog.
click on the word WAVES in the sticky note at the cove to get the silver surfboard. or just use your red puffle. use a purple one for dancing, a yellow one for DJ3K and a pink one for aqua grabber.

card jitsu fire

i'm going strait to the point: to get to the fire dojo, click on what looks like a tombstone that is on fire. a door will pop out of the ground and if you go through it you get to the fire dojo. it is under construction, so grab your jackhammers or shovels or for nonmembers, dance in your ninja masks and black belts.

Penguin Style cheats

on page 2, click on the white puffle for the dizzy hair
on page 3, click on the dojo for the viking helmet. click and x it out 4 times to make it turn blue.
on page 4, click on the small mushroom (the one with spots) to get the bblack cape
on page 5, click on the word WORK for the black superhero mask. (funny thingabout this page-- the shovel was used to dig up the dojo and if you look closely, the penguin's shadow is a ninja. (nothing happens when you click on it, dont bother) also, the black mask is very similar to the ninja mask.)
on page 6, click on the N in CLEARANCE for the black bowtie (if you want this, why not just go get it at the agent catalog?)
speaking of which, click on the sunglasses for night vision goggles THAT YOU CAN ACTUALLY USE IN MISSIONS in the agent catalog.

Norman Swarm secret room, stage catalog cheats, and new pin

Secret room:
Norman Swarm has been Transformed just came out! we can act out the play, buy the costumes, and get shruk by a shrink ray whenever we enter. And Club Penguin actually makes it amazingly obvious how to get into the secret room. Have all the stone Xs be stood on by penguins, one of which must be wearing a costume. A rock will move and a staircase will appear.
Then, once in the secret room, again have all the stone Xs be stood on by penguins, one of which again must be wearing a costume. A treasure chest will open and there's a pin in it.
Catalog cheats:
None. Absolutely none.